Welcome! We are a full of fire Pentecostal Church located in Chester, Arkansas. We are a small church but growing more and more everyday! We would love to have you join us and experience the presence of an Almighty God.We believe: The Bible, both the old and new testaments, God is the same yesterday, today and forever. We believe the Godhead is a Trinity: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. We believe in Salvation, that it comes only through faith in Jesus Christ and His shed blood on the Cross of Calvary. We believe the church is made up of the redeemed of all ages and referred to in Scripture as the Body of Christ, Christ Jesus himself being the head. We believe Christians must live a Holy life. We believe water baptism is a direct command of Jesus and is to be done by immersion in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We believe that those who have been born again can ask for AND receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit; Speaking in other tongues as the Spirit enables him or her (Acts 2:4.) We believe in Divine Healing and that it was provided by Jesus' suffering and death on the Cross and is available to ALL who believe. We believe the second coming of Christ shall come in two stages. We believe the wicked will be judged at the Great White Throne Judgment. (those who have not trusted in Christ for salvation will live forever in everlasting torment and fire.) We believe the tithe (one tenth of the increase) is Holy and belongs to the Lord. We believe in The Lord's Supper (communion) in remembrance of Christ. ( I Corinthians 11:25)

Sunday School: 9:50 a.m.Sunday Morning: 11:00 a.m.Sunday Evening: 6:00 p.m.Wednesday Evening: 7:00 p.m.

Pastor: Jim & Sissy Mehaffey

We may be small but God is using us in a mighty way!Listed below are some of the ministries that are a part of our church:

Food Bank~Third Tuesday of every month from 3:00-5:00

Living Waters Outreach Ministry~Third Saturday of every month; Easter Month thru September (Easter Month will always be the Saturday before Easter Sunday)~come and be a part of our outreach in 2011 for some awesome food, fun, fellowship, singing and the Word of God!

For His Glory~Interpretive Worship thru sign and song.


We are ready!!! Friday May 6th we will have our 25 hours of prayer which will lead into our revival! Saturday May 7th we will start our TENT REVIVAL........yes TENT REVIVAL on our new land. The revival will be from Saturday May 7th thru Wednesday May 11th. We will have our regular Sunday morning service at the church but the rest of the services will be held in the tent on the new property!! We are so ready and cannot wait to see what all God has in store! Come and join us for this awesome time of revival.......

Outreach in the park

We had our first outreach in the park for this year and it was absolutely awesome! We had over 100 people there and that was with the rainy weather!! We also had our first service on Graham St. in Mountainburg and it went well also. We know that God is leading us into different areas and we are excited and ready to move!!! Come and join us for our next outreach in the park which will be Saturday May 21st with Daniel Keeton preaching; Living Waters Praise and Worship team singing; free food and all around good fellowship!

Easter Outreach

Easter Outreach
Grand prize hunt

Easter Outreach

Easter Outreach

Easter Outreach

Easter Outreach
Some of the baskets

Easter Outreach

Easter Outreach
Finding Scripture for the hunt

Easter Outreach

Easter Outreach
Sissy's mom got to be with us for this one!!

We're Moving!!!!!

We're Moving!!!!!

Our Pastor and his wife

Our Pastor and his wife
Jim & Sissy Mehaffey

Our Church.....For now.......

Our Church.....For now.......


While our pastor was preaching a service, he said one little word that hit me so hard. The word is such a tiny, simple and probably meaningless word to most, but during that service, it was a BIG word to me.....what was the word???


That's right! The word was IF. So many things could change IF we would take that one little word into consideration. People would come to Christ IF we would take the time to share His Word with them......Families would be restored IF they would take the time to talk with each other instead of avoiding each other because that seems like such an easier way....People would turn away from drugs and alcohol IF we would talk the time to show them the damage it could cause....The prostitute may not have been prostituting IF someone would have shown them there's a better way....There are so many IFS, I could go on and on...I think you get the picture. SLOW DOWN and take a minute to show and tell that person you love them and you want to help them. Would it really kill us to lose a few minutes of our day, our lunch break, our TV time to just pick up the phone and say "hi" to that person that has been on your mind? Imagine how someones life could be changed IF we would stop and pray when God shows us someone to pray for. We may not know why we are praying, but IF God lays them on your heart, there's a reason. I will never look at that word the same again. Another important thing God showed me was that I am saved and on my way to heaven; I am a new creation, old things are passed away, all things become new because of the prayers from the people that loved and believed in me; but what IF they had not taken the time to pray??


God is so FAITHFUL!!

Last year we got the opportunity to purchase land that our pastor has been claiming for a very long time! God is so faithful!!! We have purchased the land and will be building a new church~restoration center as soon as God tells us it's time. We are all excited!!!!!!
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